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On June 18, some of our loans.com.au team had the privilege of lending a helping hand to Eat Up Australia by assisting with the making of school lunches to feed hungry kids so that they can continue to learn, grow and succeed.

Eat Up is the only organisation in Australia dedicated to providing free lunches to school students. To date, the team have provided over 3 million lunches to Australian children in need. With the help of partners and dedicated volunteers, Eat Up makes and delivers over 20,000 lunches to schools across the country each week.

Why do we work with them?
What have we achieved?

Over the course of the morning, our loans.com.au volunteers made a whopping 2, 630 sandwiches in total. It was a wonderful morning spent supporting a fantastic cause.

To learn more about the efforts of Eat Up, or to get involved, click here: https://www.eatup.org.au/

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