Female Budding Entrepreneur scholarship with QUT is now open for applications

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27 August 2021 Female Budding Entrepreneur scholarship with QUT is now open for applications

Applications are now open online for the Female Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship.

This scholarship is open to QUT undergraduate students who identify as female and who will be graduating Year 12 in 2021 or have graduated Year 12 in 2020 and will be starting university study for the first time.

This scholarship will provide one female student with $8,000 per year for a 3 year period, along with the opportunity to work closely with a QUT Entrepreneurship advisor each semester to improve entrepreneurial capability and career development.

The Female Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship encourages and supports young women at the beginning of their careers as entrepreneurs.

Managing Director Marie Mortimer is funding the scholarship with hopes to increase the number of women entrepreneurs and promote diversity of entrepreneurs in Australia.

“Female founded organisations are still rare, particularly here in QLD, so we hope by committing to a scholarship we can show young women that there is a pathway to start their own businesses,” Ms Mortimer said.

“We want to help improve the diversity and particularly number of women in this area.”

“The Female Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship is designed to give young women the skillset and the confidence to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams,” Ms Mortimer said.

The scholarship will be open for application until Friday November 5 2021.

There is a two-stage application process for the scholarship, including:

  • a written 800-word statement on 'My passion to be an entrepreneur in driven by...'
  • a three minute recorded video pitch on 'University study at QUT will prepare me for the challenges of being an entrepreneur by...'
  • a letter of reference from a mentor or teacher who can attest to your passion
  • statements and letters of reference should be saved as one PDF document.

This is then followed by a panel interview, with shortlisted applicants interviews commencing the week beginning 15 November 2021.

For more information on how to apply and eligibility requirements for the Female Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship, you can visit: is an award-winning online lender that offers home and car loans. is proudly 100% Australian owned, based in Brisbane QLD and backed by Firstmac, Australia's leading non-bank lender with more than 40 years of experience and $14 billion in mortgages under management.

Media enquiries

For all media enquiries, please email Duncan Macfarlane at or call 0434 184 264.

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