Estimated property value
An indication of how much the property is worth, based on factors including recent sale prices for comparable properties in the area.
Property mapping
An aerial photo of the property and its immediate surrounds, plus maps of the street & the property in relation to points of interest and facilities.
Properties sold in the area
You will be able to see details of recently-sold properties in the area including the date they were sold, land size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and garage size.

Market comparison
Detailed information about nearby properties currently listed for sale or recently sold, including their first and last advertised price and days on the market.
Median sale prices in the area
The median sale price for homes in the area and how it has changed each month in recent years.
Suburb insight
Information about the suburb's demographics, such as household occupancy, household income and household structure.
Whatever stage of the home loan journey you're at, we can help
Buying a home
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Building a home
Building a home is one of life’s biggest adventures and we make the finance part easy with our super-low-rate construction loans. Find a loan & apply online the easy way.
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